It's Christmas time!!! You know what that means?! I've been on my mission for six months now! Crazy! This time next year, I'll be home. Aaaaaand I get to skype you all!!! YAAAAYYYY!!!
So I got your Christmas package on Saturday. There were four packages inside and four days until Christmas, so I decided to open one present a day. On Sunday, when I opened the first gift with the earrings Mom made, one of them was broken. :( Must've rattled around in the box too much on the way here. So I super-glued it back together and all is well. :) This morning I opened the pretty blue scarf you sent. Thank you!! :D
Also, Grandma Nancy, I got your package you sent with the warm skirt in it. So again. THANK YOU!!!
I feel kinda bad since my companion hasn't gotten anything for Christmas from her family. I'll probably get her something nice later today.
So I'll skype you guys Christmas Eve since it sounds like Christmas day is a little on the busy side for you. That means I get to see you tomorrow night! Exciting, huh? We have to keep the call under 40 minutes, though, and I won't be able to see Pip and Tess unless you bring them with you to Grandma's place, but so it goes.
So this week went by rather quickly. Mostly because I was out of it for a good three days. Wednesday morning, I got up, did my normal studies, then my body told me to go back to bed, so I did. Thursday, I was doing better until the evening and I had to go home early. Friday, I woke up with a fever and I couldn't eat anything, and that lasted all day. Then in the evening, one of the members wanted us to come with her to bring gifts to less active families, so since she was driving, I sort of tagged along behind blearily. Saturday I was feeling a lot better, though, and was able to get back to work.
Last night, the members who lent us their old farmhouse, the Hillyer family, went Christmas carroling, so they took us with them, and that was a lot of fun. I was the only person in the whole group who could actually carry a tune, so they had me sort of lead and everybody else sort of followed along.
Aaaaand that was the gist of this week. Merry Merry Christmas to you all, and I'll see you tomorrow and such!
~Sister Richelle Jones
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